Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Picture Day!

Tomorrow is picture day.  Our scheduled time is for 10:10am tomorrow morning.  I can't wait to see all of the kids smiling faces.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

For the next week or two we will be studying character traits in reading.  What I want your children to understand is that we can learn about people through reading books.  

Donalyn Miller a teacher, and author writes that, "Through characters- the saints and sinner, real or imagined- reading shows you how to be a better human being."  

Attached is a list of books that have very well developed characters.  By no means are these the only books with great characters, but it is a good list to get you and your family started when going to the library or bookstore.  

Happy Reading!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hi Families-
It was wonderful seeing so many families at our open house.  Thank you for your support.  If you were not able to make it, please make sure to turn in your contact forms ASAP.  The contact form side should be filled out in black, while the emergency side we only need to see any corrections in red.  If there are no corrections, please send the form back in unmarked.

On another note, there was a slight mix-up with our school supply list.  If you get a chance, please send a 1-inch binder in with your child for this upcoming week.  We will use those as our homework binders.  Scissors were also left off the list, so if you could bring in scissors that would also be fantastic.